Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Nice, Monaco/Monte Carlo and Cannes.

Okay. So it's been a while. Désolé! This'll be a long one to make up for it.

Thursday I went out, a bunch of us met up at the "hotel de ville," which is actually not a hotel, but rather city hall, to drink before the bars. Unfortunately, my buddy Alex got really really sick and didn't make it out thursday, so the bottle I ended up buying for us and a girl, ended up being for two of us (we had about half, and before the bars, and then I finished it later...oops.)So a bunch of people showed up, we had some drinks, and my friends Alain and Thibaut (who I may refer to as "The Cousins") who were supposed to join us, were late, and told us they'd call later. So we went to a bar called the Sextius Bar, which is on Sextius road. That bar kind of sucked. There were far too many people (many of which were American), and you couldn't move much, and it just kind of sucked. Also this one guy who ended up being 18, kept trying to get my friend, and then me, to introduce us to our friend who was a girl, and she had no interest. So Evan and I, and these girls Katie and Emily went back to Sam's Pub, the pool hall and met up with Alain and Thibaut. And then later our friends Peter and Charlie showed up. So they played against Katie and Evan, and Emily and I played against the cousins. Charlie and Peter left, then the bar closed, and Evan and Katie wandered off together, which left Alain, Thibaut, Emily and I to chill outside the bar. We killed my bottle of whiskey, and then Alain and Thibaut went home and I decided to walk Emily home. Well, that took a little longer than expected haha, we eventually called a cab, and both got home.

Well, that was Thursday. Friday I slept till almost 1. Then went to meet up with Mckenzie and Stacy for lunch. Then I went to do this scavenger hunt thing, which was pretty lame, except it gave us the opportunity to wander around the city, and of course despite it being for teams of 2, I got a bunch of people to go in a larger group and we kind of all just chilled. We ended up giving up and sitting down at a cafe, until IAU's version of Club Rush happened. Then I went home for dinner, and then back out to Sam's Pub. Friday we wanted to be a relaxed night seeing as we all needed to be at the Office of Tourism at 8 am for our trip.

We got two tables and played a while, I, who only wanted one beer, ended up being talked into having another one by the bartender who said it was on him, and sure enough it was. But before that, Roland (the owner and bartender) had walked in late, and was very excited to see me. He even introduced me to his friends, who I kindly introduced to two of mine. Anyways, the other bartender's name was Michel, and he was just as nice and funny as Roland, and they joked around all night. I even had a third beer on some other guy at the bar. It was pretty cool. Haha. Free drinks are always cool, especially when you only plan to have one drink, and you end up having three.

Saturday morning sucked. It was grey, early and not fun at all. But I got to sleep on the bus, and then we got to Nice, and well, Nice was nice, before it rained. We walked through this park and grabbed oranges from orange trees. Apparently they were bitter, I didn't try them.

Then we walked through a market, then down to a pebble beach. The water was mesmerizing. So cool. Then we decided to climb to the top of these things that looked like ruins, so we did, and the view was incredible. Absolutely incredible.

Then it started to rain, and we went to wait for our group that was meeting up for a walking tour. Well the walking tour sucked. Because it was in the rain, and because the guide really annoyed me. Soon enough it was time to get back on the bus to go to Monaco. We went straight to the hostel, where we divided into rooms. I had kind of gotten screwed with rooming, and Peter, Charlie, Peter and Evan (the first two and second two room together in their homestays), decided to room together, and Noah disappeared, and of course Alex, didn't come because he was sick. So I ended up rooming with these two kids Jorge and Matt, who were decent enough guys, but the four guys I was hanging out with were all together. We went for cocktails, which were these weird fruity drinks, and finger food, which I stuffed my face with, and I met two of the three or four german boys who worked at the hostel: Felix and Johanes. They were cool. Felix spent a year in Quebec and spoke with a quebecois accent, and Johanes promised to bring me a good German beer to try. Later, it stopped raining, and we all got on the buses to go into the city to the casino. Which was quite the experience. I didn't bring my camera, but the casino had all the coolest and most luxurious cars lined up in front, it's also where they shot some of the James Bond casino scenes. We had to pay 10 euros to go in. Charlie and I went to the blackjack table, and Noah joined us. Noah and I each put down 50 euros, and Charlie put down thirty. It was a minimum of 25 euros per bet. I won't go into too much detail, except that I walked away from the table, with my 50, and another 50 on top of that. Noah walked away with well over 150 euros, and Charlie was up 165, which means he walked away with 195, including what he started with. And then later our friend Peter walked away with 100 more than when he walked in. The boys from IAU certainly killed it at the casino.

When we came back to the hostel (we were only allowed to spend an hour at the casino before the buses brought us back), the boys convinced me to just grab my stuff and move into their room, since there were 5 beds. So I did. Then we all went to the dining area which doubled as a discoteque (night club in french), and danced and drank for a while. I won't spend too much time on Cannes, because it wasn't too exciting. I plan to go back during the film festival, because I hear it's much nicer in the summer and with the ambiance of the festival. I will only mention that I woke up Sunday with a soar throat and the sniffles, and have been trying to kick them ever since.

Tomorrow is Thursday and therefore after two nights of rest (we went out Monday but took it easy), I am going to take the city by storm, with Alex (who hasn't partied since early last week).

Send me emails or facebook messages or comments on this blog if there are questions you have that I didn't answer.
