Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 1 - Arrival

My flight to Frankfurt was awesome. It wasn't full so there was a seat empty between me and the other person in my row. He was nice, and worked for the Wilfred-Laurier University, and was going to Turkey for some Global University Olympics or something. I also watched two movies: Clash of the Titans, and about an hour and a half, maybe a little more, of The Social Network.

Now, having said how awesome my flight was, we did arrive late. Instead of arriving at 7, we arrived at 7:30 and didn't get off the plan until 7:40. Then passport control took forever and a half. There were so many people! And then after that, we had to go through security again, which took a while, and THEN my gate was really far. Not fun, and I ran a lot of the way, with a backpack on my back, another one on my front, and my jacket tucked under my arm. My plane was supposed to board at 8 and leave at 8:30. I think I got to the gate around 8:25.

But I made it to the plane and even though most people had already boarded, there were still people on the shuttle bus waiting to go to the plane. Once on the plane, I noticed that a girl who had been on the shuttle with me was in fact American and from my program. I also noticed there were a few of us. The flight was short and uneventful. Then we all met up at the baggage claim and started to introduce ourselves. I re-met a woman who I had met at my Towson orientation, who seemed very happy to see a familiar face. Once everyone had our baggage, we went to meet the IAU personnel. I helped load most people's luggage onto the bus, mainly because I could do it, and like to do that kind of thing. Don't judge.

I've already met people who remind me of Goucher people. The first girl I met on the plane, Mackenzie(sp?) (who was actually born in Toronto, and her Dad still lives there, but grew up in Arizona and goes to school in Connecticut) reminds me of Danielle D.: blonde, wears a lot of pink, and actually physically looks and talks a bit like her too. Then there's Peter who reminds me oddly of my friend Blair. Met some other people, but they seem pretty different than other people I know. They're from all over the place. Which is really cool. Of course some people know each other.

I am staying with Andrée Roux, an older lady. Her kids I believe are all older than I am, and have kids of their own. She says she has 3 sons (although one is deceased - I didn't ask what happened) 8 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. She's very nice and seems to be a lot of fun. My room is actually about the size of my single at Goucher, so not too bad. I have internet which is cool, and a letter left to me by a fellow named Francesco, who I take it stayed here last semester. He left instructions about the internet and some words of advice, as well as a list of things he left for me (He left me this protein powder...for those of you who know me, this isn't something I've ever had or bought. But hey, here's to trying new things.) There is a train outside my window, so that could be interesting, otherwise I am already unpacked and maybe ready for a nap. Although I'm really trying to stay up as long as possible so I don't get jet lagged, and I'm already invited to dinner with Mme Roux, so I better stay up for that!

That's all so far. Look for more in the near future. I might actually enjoy this blogging thing.

As my boys in Winslow 2 say: "Deuces!"

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